10 Incredible Uses of Diluted Hydrogen Peroxide in Gardening

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  • Post last modified:July 28, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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Welcome to today’s blog! We’ll delve into the top 10 fantastic uses of diluted hydrogen peroxide in gardening, plus an effective pesticide idea you can try during lockdown.

Why Do Plants Look Greener During Rainy Season?

Ever wondered why plants appear more vibrant during the rainy season? One of the reasons is the presence of hydrogen peroxide in rainwater. Though it’s a chemical, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) easily breaks down into water and oxygen, making it safe for organic gardening in various dilutions. This colorless and odorless liquid, commonly used as a disinfectant, can significantly benefit your garden.

What is Hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is similar to water (H2O) but contains an extra oxygen atom (H2O2). This additional oxygen atom is the key to its benefits in gardening.

Choosing the Right Concentration

Hydrogen peroxide is inexpensive and widely available in 3%, 6%, and sometimes 35% concentrations. For gardening, we recommend using 3% or 6% hydrogen peroxide.

10 Incredible Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide in Gardening

10. Save a Dying Plant

Revive a dying plant with hydrogen peroxide by utilizing its extra oxygen atom. If the stem is green and juicy upon scratching, it can be saved. Trim dead branches, inspect the roots for rot, and soak them in a solution of 2-3 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water (or 2 tablespoons per gallon). For 6% peroxide, use half the dosage. Soak for six hours, then replant in fresh soil and water with the same solution. Place in the shade and water only when the topsoil dries out.

9. Accelerate Seed Germination

Seeds soaked in a solution of 1-2 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water germinate faster and grow healthier. This extra oxygen is beneficial for sprouting seeds and prevents seed-borne pathogens, promoting better root development.

8. Disinfect Garden Tools

Disinfect your cutting and pruning tools with 6% hydrogen peroxide to increase the success rate of plant cuttings. Wipe or dip the tools in the solution for a few minutes.

7. Disinfect Seed Germination Trays

Ensure your seed trays are free from pathogens by wiping them with 6% hydrogen peroxide without dilution. This step increases germination success rates.

6. Treat Fungal or Bacterial Root Rot

Overwatering can cause root rot by suffocating plant roots. Water plants with a mixture of 2-3 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water (or 2 tablespoons per gallon) to provide oxygen to the roots. Avoid watering again until the topsoil is completely dry.

5. Sterilize Seed Starting Mix

For better seed germination, sterilize your seed starting mix by adding a 1:3 dilution of 3% hydrogen peroxide in water and leaving it overnight before use. You can also sprinkle this solution on your potting mix to disinfect it.

4. Weed Killer

At concentrations of 10% or higher, hydrogen peroxide can destroy all vegetation it contacts. Use this cautiously around plants and primarily in cracks and crevices.

3. Fertilizer

Water your plants monthly with a very dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide for a “rain effect.” Add 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water (or 1 tablespoon per gallon) to supply oxygen to the roots.

2. Hydroponic or Aquaponic Systems

Adding hydrogen peroxide to the water in hydroponic or aquaponic systems keeps plants healthy by providing extra oxygen, benefiting both plant roots and aquatic life.

1. Effective Pesticide and Anti-Fungal

Control pests like aphids, mites, and mealybugs with hydrogen peroxide. It can also kill moth larvae and other harmful pests. Make a pesticide solution using 1 cup (250 ml) of 6% hydrogen peroxide per liter of water (or 2 cups of 3% peroxide per liter). Spray on plants and water the soil to control fungus gnats and soil pests. It’s also effective against mold and powdery mildew.


Hydrogen peroxide is a versatile and powerful tool for any gardener. Have you tried using it in your garden? Share your experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe if you’re new to the blog.

Happy Gardening!


Sunil is the founder of Prettywings Digital. He is a passionate Blogger and a successful Ecommerce Seller. He loves sharing his knowledge through his various blogs and YouTube channels.