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Art of Plant Cutting Cloning: 10 Essential Tips

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  • Post last modified:August 9, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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Master the Art of Plant Cutting Cloning: 10 Essential Tips for Success

In this episode, we’re diving deep into the world of plant cutting cloning in water. You’ll discover the 10 golden rules, tips, and hacks to achieve a 100% success rate when rooting your cuttings. Plus, we’ll explore the Nitrogen Draining Concept and the Oxygenation Concept—key factors in successful rooting. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

1. Take Healthy Cuttings

The foundation of successful cloning starts with healthy cuttings. Always select cuttings from a robust, pest-free mother plant with active growth. Opt for semi-woody cuttings, as they’re ideal for rooting—not too hard and not too soft, reducing the risk of rot.

2. Make a Sharp Cut at a 45-Degree Angle

Precision matters! Use a sharp, sterilized tool to make a clean cut at a 45-degree angle, about half an inch below a node. The node is crucial as it’s where roots will develop, so ensure this area is submerged in water.

3. Length of Cutting

The ideal length for your cuttings is between 6 to 10 inches, with at least 2 or 3 nodes above the rooting node. Remember, the shorter the internode distance, the higher the success rate.

4. Drain Out Nitrogen

Nitrogen can slow down the rooting process, so it’s beneficial to drain nitrogen from the branch before taking cuttings. This can be done by thoroughly watering the plant, although the science behind this method is still debated.

5. Avoid Fertilizing the Parent Plant

Continuing with the nitrogen theme, it’s best to avoid fertilizing your parent plant for at least 15 days before taking cuttings. This further reduces nitrogen levels, promoting faster rooting.

6. Prepare a Rooting Solution

While clean, soft water can work, enhancing it with a rooting solution can significantly boost your chances of success. You can add rooting hormone powder, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), or fresh aloe vera gel to the water to prevent contamination and speed up rooting.

7. Use Clean Containers

Always use clean, transparent containers for rooting your cuttings. This allows you to monitor root development and change the water or rooting solution every 3 to 4 days to maintain a healthy environment.

8. Oxygenate the Tissues

Oxygenation is key to healthy root development. Lift the cutting out of the water daily and stir the water to increase oxygen levels. This practice mimics the principles of aeroponics and hydroponics, ensuring your cuttings thrive.

9. Submerge the Cutting Properly

Ensure the cutting is submerged in water or rooting solution at least 2 inches above the lowermost node. Keep the cutting undisturbed, ideally on a windowsill with indirect light. To maintain optimal temperature and humidity, consider covering the cutting with a polythene bag at night, especially in cold conditions.

10. Transplant into Soil

Once you see multiple roots, at least 4 to 5 roots about an inch long, it’s time to transplant your cutting into soil. Handle the cutting carefully and place it in a well-prepared potting mix.


By following these 10 tips, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of plant cutting cloning in water. If you found this guide helpful, please give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends on social media, and subscribe to our channel for more gardening tips. Happy Gardening!


Sunil is the founder of Prettywings Digital. He is a passionate Blogger and a successful Ecommerce Seller. He loves sharing his knowledge through his various blogs and YouTube channels.