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Keep Your Home Spider-Free: Natural Remedies That Work

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  • Post last modified:September 19, 2024
  • Reading time:6 mins read
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Keep Your Home Spider-Free: Natural Remedies That Work

Spiders may play a vital role in our ecosystem by controlling pest populations, but that doesn’t mean we want them as housemates! If you’re looking for effective, natural ways to keep these eight-legged creatures out of your home, you’re in the right place. Here are some simple remedies to deter spiders without resorting to harsh chemicals.

1. Peppermint Essential Oil

Spiders have an aversion to strong scents, and peppermint is at the top of their list. Soak cotton balls in peppermint essential oil and place them in areas where spiders like to lurk, such as under furniture or in corners. Just keep these out of reach of pets and children, as peppermint oil can be harmful if ingested.

2. Cinnamon

This aromatic spice isn’t just for your coffee—it’s also a spider repellent! Sprinkle cinnamon around your home, particularly near doorways and windows, to create a barrier that spiders are less likely to cross.

3. Distilled Vinegar

A simple mixture of equal parts distilled vinegar and water can work wonders. Spray this solution around cracks and crevices in your home. The pungent smell will drive spiders away, making your space less inviting.

4. Cedar Hangers

Swap out your regular hangers for cedar ones in your closets. The natural aroma of cedar deters spiders and keeps your clothes free from webs. If you prefer a more budget-friendly option, mix cedar essential oil with water and spray it in and around your home.

5. Citrus Rinds

The fresh scent of citrus is delightful for us but repugnant to spiders. Place orange or lemon rinds around your home, or rub them on surfaces to create a fragrant barrier.

6. Lemon Furniture Polish

Using lemon-scented polish on your wooden furniture can also keep spiders at bay. The citrus scent helps to mask your home’s inviting aroma for these unwelcome guests.

7. Chestnuts

Believe it or not, chestnuts can deter spiders thanks to a natural substance they contain. Place chestnuts under furniture, in closets, or in your basement to create a spider-free zone.

8. Coconut Oil

Spiders are not fans of coconut oil either. Mix it with water and spray this solution in crevices and corners where spiders might enter.

9. Keep It Clean

Spiders thrive in cluttered spaces, so maintaining a tidy home is crucial. Regularly declutter, vacuum, and dust to remove any hiding spots or webs. Opt for plastic storage bins instead of cardboard boxes, as they’re less accessible to spiders.

10. Exterior Maintenance

Prevent spiders from entering your home by clearing away debris, like leaves and wood piles, from exterior walls. Seal any cracks in doorways and windows, repair torn screens, and cover vents with fine mesh to keep these critters out.

11. Plant Natural Deterrents

Consider planting a eucalyptus tree, which emits a strong scent that repels spiders. If space is limited, herbs like mint or lavender can also serve as excellent natural repellents near windows.

12. Control Outdoor Lighting

While spiders aren’t directly attracted to light, outdoor lighting can attract the insects they prey on. Turn off outdoor lights when not in use and consider using yellow sodium vapor lights, which are less enticing to bugs.

13. Garlic

This pungent bulb isn’t just for cooking; it also deters spiders. Create a garlic spray by mixing crushed cloves with water and use it to scent areas prone to spider activity.

14. Get a Pet

Cats are natural hunters and often chase after anything that moves, including spiders. If you’re comfortable with the idea, having a cat can be an effective way to keep spider populations in check—just be cautious with potentially poisonous spider species.

15. Tobacco

Spiders aren’t fans of tobacco either. Spread loose tobacco leaves in areas where you’ve spotted spiders, or create a spray by mixing tobacco with water.

By incorporating these natural remedies into your home care routine, you can create an environment that’s uninviting to spiders while keeping your space chemical-free. With a little effort and the right strategies, you can enjoy a spider-free home!


Sunil is the founder of Prettywings Digital. He is a passionate Blogger and a successful Ecommerce Seller. He loves sharing his knowledge through his various blogs and YouTube channels.