Top 10 common Pest Indian Farmers should know

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Farmers in India should be aware of various pests that can have a significant impact on their crops. Here are the top 10 common pests in India that farmers should be familiar with:

  1. Brown Plant Hopper (BPH):
  • Scientific Name: Nilaparvata lugens
  • Crops Affected: Rice
  1. Whitebacked Planthopper:
  • Scientific Name: Sogatella furcifera
  • Crops Affected: Rice
  1. Fruit Flies:
  • Scientific Name: Various species (e.g., Bactrocera dorsalis)
  • Crops Affected: Fruits like mango, guava, and citrus
  1. Aphids:
  • Scientific Name: Various species (e.g., Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae)
  • Crops Affected: Various, including cotton, vegetables, and cereals
  1. Mealybugs:
  • Scientific Name: Various species (e.g., Phenacoccus solenopsis)
  • Crops Affected: Cotton, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  1. Pink Bollworm:
  • Scientific Name: Pectinophora gossypiella
  • Crops Affected: Cotton
  1. Cotton Bollworm:
  • Scientific Name: Helicoverpa armigera
  • Crops Affected: Cotton, chickpea, pigeon pea, and various vegetables
  1. Rice Hispa:
  • Scientific Name: Dicladispa armigera
  • Crops Affected: Rice
  1. Mango Hopper:
  • Scientific Name: Idioscopus spp.
  • Crops Affected: Mango
  1. Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer:
    • Scientific Name: Leucinodes orbonalis
    • Crops Affected: Brinjal (Eggplant)

These pests can cause damage to a wide range of crops, leading to reduced yields and economic losses for farmers. Effective pest management strategies, including integrated pest management (IPM) practices, are essential to minimize the impact of these pests on agricultural production. Farmers should regularly monitor their crops for signs of pest infestations and take appropriate measures to control and mitigate the damage caused by these common pests.


Sunil is the founder of Prettywings Digital. He is a passionate Blogger and a successful Ecommerce Seller. He loves sharing his knowledge through his various blogs and YouTube channels.

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