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Gardening Tips For Beginners In India

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  • Post category:Gardening
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  • Post last modified:April 29, 2021
  • Reading time:8 mins read
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Do you want to know how to start a gardening but aren’t sure where to start? 
In this article, I’ll go over the fundamentals of gardening and include in-depth resources so you can garden with confidence and enjoy yourself. Prepare to taste some of the most delicious fruits, vegetables, and herbs you’ve ever had.

1. Choose the ideal location

It is often preferable to take small moves in the direction of major victories. To begin, choose a small area to construct your garden. Make sure the area you select gets at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight. Avoid placing your young and emerging plants in an area where powerful winds are likely to blow them over. Pollinators will be unable to do their job due to the storm. Finally, consider how easy it will be to water, select, and care for your plants in your garden room.

2. Preparing the soil

Plants still reap the benefits of nutrient-rich soil. Start by inspecting the texture of your soil; it should be easy to shovel and crumble in your hands. It will be difficult for all plants to grow roots if the soil is hard and clay-like in texture. If your soil is rocky, till it and remove the rocks.
Improving the soil’s consistency is not as difficult as you would imagine, and it has many advantages. To boost the consistency of your soil, add organic compost made from tea compost and vegetable peels.

3. Having essential Gardening Equipments

To get started, you’ll need some simple gardening tools once you’ve thought of the garden plan. We’ll go over a few of the tools you’ll need for gardening. You will need the following items:

Tool for Pruning: Pruning scissors are a tool that any gardener should have. You’ll use these to trim back plants and bushes, as well as to preserve their health by removing dead plant pieces.

Digging and soil preparation equipment: To begin planting your greens, you’ll need a few digging and soil preparation tools. A spade, a trowel, and a garden fork will be needed. The garden fork is used to break up big clumps of soil or to clear the roots of old plants and weeds, while the spade and trowel are used to dig holes for your plants.

Watering equipment: A garden hose (pipe) and a watering can are the perfect tools for watering your garden generously. The garden hose is ideal for larger tasks like watering trees and vast fields. A watering can is preferable for delicate and small plants. Your young plants can appreciate the gentle sprinkling because they can’t handle the high pressure.

Tools for weeding: A forked trowel and a gardening knife are needed to combat the weed problem and eliminate these unwanted plants. You will hold the invading plants at bay with these two useful resources.

4. Choose the right plants

Picking your greens is the most enjoyable aspect of the gardening process. Take some time to research the plants before making a decision on whether to grow in your garden. Some plants tend to be in direct sunlight, while others prefer to be in the shade. This details can be found on your plant seed box. When you’re about to become a plant parent, choosing plants that are native to your region will make life a lot easier. You can even take a look at your next-door neighbor’s garden and see what plants are flourishing there.

These approaches will provide you with a good understanding of which plants will grow in your garden.

5. Make a plan

Prep ahead of time before getting your hands dirty and planting your greens!

Plan ahead of time where each plant will go, paying close attention to spacing. Plants, like humans, need their own room. If you put young plants too close together, their growth will be hampered, they will be more susceptible to diseases, and they may even die.

Labeling: In nature, we are all forgetful. Take the time to make small labels and put them alongside your plants to ensure that you know what is planted where in your garden and that you can distinguish these plants. You can also get creative with your labels and come up with some exclusive plant labels.

Making their own garden scrapbook and charting out the progress of the garden is another great piece of advice for beginners. You may make a progress report to understand the essence of these plants by adding drawings, photographs, marks, and notes to keep track of how each plant progressed in various areas of your garden.

6. Prepare garden bed

After you’ve finished preparing, choose the form and size of your garden beds.

Raised beds are appealing to the eye, and they make working in your garden more convenient. It is more practical to garden in blocks or beds than in single rows. Beds should be 3-4 feet across, with enough room on each side to reach the middle. Beds should be 8-10 feet long to allow for easy movement without walking on the planting field.

Begin small and allow each plant plenty of room to grow. Although the seeds and transplants are small, fully grown plants may become large, overcrowding the area and making it difficult for the plants to survive.

Arrange your greens in rows or a grid pattern throughout the garden beds. The aim is to reduce walkways while increasing the space. You can also save time and money by only fertilising and amending the soil in the planting field.

7. Planting

After you’ve finished laying the foundation, it’s time to get your hands dirty and start planting. The majority of our seed packets provide simple planting instructions. Give it a shot, and you’ll soon learn the art of planting.

Planting rules of thumb for your garden:

Unless the seed packaging specifies differently, plant seeds 3-4 times as deep as the diameter of the seed. Cover the seeds with soil and thoroughly water them, being careful not to expose the seeds.

Dig a hole twice as deep as the root ball for transplanting young plants in pots or containers to their final location. To help your plant grow, fluff up the soil and apply some organic fertiliser. Place the root ball in the soil and fully cover the roots. After transplanting your plants, water them gently.

8. Taking proper care of plants

Make sure your plants are getting enough water. The purpose of watering your plants is to provide them with enough water to keep them alive, but overwatering can cause waterlogging, which can harm them. Slowly watering the plants is the best way to ensure that the water penetrates deep into the soil. At around 3-4 inches under the surface, the soil should be damp. Different stages of growth necessitate different amounts of water. Young plants should be watered on a daily basis to promote plant growth and healthy roots, while mature plants should be watered once every 2-3 days, depending on weather conditions.

9. Use organic fertilizers to help your plants grow

“The fertiliser is the gardener’s best friend,” as the saying goes. To give your plants an extra boost, make your own organic fertiliser. Begin with compost, which is an organic material that can be applied to your garden to aid in the growth of your plants. Tea bags, ground coffee, lawn trimmings, crushed fruit peels, and so on can all be used in this way. These organic fertilisers will aid in the retention of moisture, the growth of beneficial bacteria, and the prevention of pests and diseases in your soil. It’ll also assist you in lowering your carbon footprint.

10. Use organic fertilizers to help your plants grow

Plants that are stressed or deficient are more attractive to pests and diseases. Pest and disease issues can be reduced if the plants are healthy and well-nourished. If your plants get sick, there’s a good chance there’s an organic cure. It’s simple to make your own bug spray for the yard and garden, which uses plant compounds and soap to kill the bugs that are feasting on your plants. Combine neem oil, water, and a few drops of dish soap in a small mixing bowl. To keep pests at bay, give it a good shake and spray it on your plants every two weeks.


Sunil is the founder of Prettywings Digital. He is a passionate Blogger and a successful Ecommerce Seller. He loves sharing his knowledge through his various blogs and YouTube channels.

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