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What is Bay Leaf? Bay Leaf Benefits

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The bay leaf is a fragrant leaf that is frequently used in cooking. It can be consumed whole, dried, or ground.
Bay leaves can be bought whole, either fresh or dried, or powdered. The leaves are added to slow-cooked dishes like soups, sauces, and stews, and then removed just before serving. They have a floral and aromatic scent that is similar to oregano and thyme, and they are utilized more than any other herb.

Bay Leaf - All you need to know about

Bay Leaf Common Names:

Bay Leaf in EnglishBay laurel (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae)
Bay Leaf in Hindi तेज पत्ता (Tej Patta) 
Bay Leaf in Tamilபிரியாணி இலை (Talishappattiri)
Bay Leaf in Teluguబే ఆకు (Bē āku)
Bay Leaf in Marathiतमालपत्र
Bay Leaf in Kannadaಲವಂಗದ ಎಲೆ (Lavaṅgada ele)
Bay Leaf in Malayalamബേ ഇല (bē ila)

Botanical Name: Laurus nobilis, Cinnamomum tamala

Family: Lauraceae

Popular For: Spices, Aromatic Leaf, Ingredient in Food, Health Benefits

Bay Leaf Plant

The Indian bay leaf, also known as malabathrum (Cinnamomum tamala, Lauraceae), differs from bay laurel leaves in that it is shorter, lighter in colour, and has one large vein running down the length of the leaf. Indian bay leaves are about twice as long and wider, with three veins spanning the length of the leaf. 

They are usually olive green in colour and have three veins along the length of the leaf. Indian bay leaves are quite different in terms of flavour and aroma, smelling and tasting similar to cinnamon (cassia) bark but milder.

Bay Leaf Nutrition:

A tablespoon of crushed bay leaves comprises the following ingredients:

Calories5.6 calories
Protein0.1 g
Carbohydrates1.4 g
Fat0.2 g
Dietary Fiber0.5 g
Sodium 0.4 g
Iron0.8 mg
Magnesium2.2 mg
Vitamin A0.0056 mg

Bay Leaf Plant

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Bay Leaf Seeds

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Bay Leaf Benefits

Till now you must have used bay leaves only for eating. Today we also tell you its other benefits, knowing which you will be surprised –

1. Diabetes Treatment

India has the highest number of diabetes patients in the world. Consumption of bay leaves is very beneficial for diabetic patients.

A study was conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology (NCB), in which it was found that consuming capsules containing bay leaves works to improve insulin levels. The research was done on patients with diabetes II for 30 days. The research found a reduction in serum glucose from 21% to 26% after 30 days.

2. Beneficial for the Respiratory System

Anti-inflammatory elements are present in bay leaf. Its consumption provides relief in reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. It contains ethanolic extract and other ingredients, which provide relief in pain. Its consumption also gives relief in cough, flu, asthma, influenza and respiratory problems.

3. Beneficial for Teeth

The use of bay leaves is also beneficial for teeth. According to the study done by the scientist, there is a special type of oil in its twigs. Tannins like Vitamin-C present in it are found. This keeps the gums healthy. You can also brush with ashes made from bay leaves. Due to which bacteria do not grow in the mouth.

4. Protection against Fungal Infections

It is rich in antifungal elements. Bay leaves especially act fast against yeast infection called candida albicans. Therefore, bay leaves are also used to make essential oil.

5. Helpful in Reducing Weight

The properties present in bay leaf helps in reducing weight. Appetite is controlled by its consumption. Due to which a person is not able to eat more. And in this way he is saved from more calories. However, there is no scientific proof yet.

6. Helpful in healing Injuries

Wounds are also cured by bay leaves. A study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology found that bay leaf extract stimulates the growth of other cells to reduce granulation tissue scarring.

7. Reduce cholesterol

It can be used in reducing cholesterol. A research found that the ethanol extract present in bay leaves helps in lowering the cholesterol serum level. The antioxidant bed present in it and normalizes the level of good cholesterol.

8. Beneficial for Hair

Bay leaves are beneficial for hair along with physical problem. It has anti fungal and anti bacterial properties present. Due to which the hair can be protected from damage. Essential oil is also made from bay leaves. Applying it on the head gets rid of dandruff.

9. Relief in Kidney Problem

Lauric acid present in bay leaves provides relief in kidney problem. This has been confirmed in a medical research conducted by NCB. A drop named Sankal Herbal was used during the research. Its consumption was found to improve health.

10. Prevention of Cancer

Bay leaves are also used in many diseases. Although cancer is a serious disease whose medicine is continuously being researched. But a research was done by NCB. In which it was found that bay leaves hinder the production of cancer cells. In addition, its consumption is also helpful in protecting against colon cancer.

Bay Leaf Culinary Use

Although they have a different flavour, bay laurel leaves are sometimes substituted for Indian bay leaf in Indian cuisine. They are commonly used in rice dishes such as biryani and as a component of garam masala.

Widely used in Tea as an active ingredient.


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In dietary levels, bay leaf and bay leaf oil are LIKELY safe for most individuals. When eaten by mouth in medical proportions for a short period of time, ground bay leaf is POSSIBLY SAFE. If you use a full bay leaf in your recipe, make sure to remove it before serving.

The right dose of bay leaf is determined by a variety of factors, including the user’s age, health, and other circumstances. There is currently insufficient scientific evidence to define an optimal dosing range for bay leaf.

Bay Leaf common names are Cinnamomum Tamala, Indian bay leaf, also known as Tejpat, Tejapatta, Malabar leaf, Indian bark, Indian cassia, or malabathrum.

Bay leaf meaning in Hindi is commonly known as Tej Patta.

Bay leaf is commonly known as
ബേ ഇല (bē ila) in Malayalam

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Sunil is the founder of Prettywings Digital. He is a passionate Blogger and a successful Ecommerce Seller. He loves sharing his knowledge through his various blogs and YouTube channels.

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