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Describe the various ways by which seeds are dispersed

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  • Post last modified:April 25, 2021
  • Reading time:3 mins read
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Can seeds move on it’s own?

Well seeds are taken away from one place to other by various medium. Below we have described the various ways by which seeds are dispersed from one place to other.

  1. Seeds Dispersal by Wind:

The most common way by which seeds are dispersed from one place to another is by the wind. Seeds of many plants are light in weight, some looks like hair, some have wings like structure. Such seeds float in the air because of their low weight. Example: Dandelion, Maple, Drumstick(have wings like structure), etc.

2. Seeds Dispersal by Water:

The second most common method by which seeds are dispersed is by water bodies like river, streams, etc.

There are many plants which grow near water bodies whose seeds when fall on water gets dispersed. Dispersal by water most commonly takes place in case of aquatic plants like water lily. Some seeds floats on water because of their shape and lightness and hence get taken away by water.

3. Seeds Dispersal by Animals:

The third most common method by which seeds are dispersed is by Animals. Some seeds like Xanthium have spines all over them. They get stuck to the fur of animals like cows, goats and thus get spread to different places.

Examples; Beggar tick, Xanthium, etc.

Herbivorous animals like cow eat away seeds along with the plants which get execrated in its faeces. Some seeds are also swallowed by birds along with fruits. These seeds get dispersed with bird droppings.

4. Seeds Dispersal by Bursting: 

Some fruits burst when the fruit dry out and the force of bursting is enough to spread the seeds.

Examples; Ladyfinger, castor, balsam, etc.

5. Seeds Dispersal by Humans:

Human beings also help in dispersal of seeds, especially during farming activities like transplantation, harvesting, etc.


Sunil is the founder of Prettywings Digital. He is a passionate Blogger and a successful Ecommerce Seller. He loves sharing his knowledge through his various blogs and YouTube channels.

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