Eating apple is considered good for health. Even doctors ask to eat an apple every day. But do you know that apple seeds are harmful for health or can be fatal. Let us study through this article.
We all know that eating apples is beneficial, even it is said that eating every morning in the morning does not cause any disease. There is also a saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

But do you know that this apple can also be harmful? Some researchers have discovered that excessive consumption of apple seeds can lead to death of humans. Let us study through this article that what happens in apple seeds due to which human beings can be harmed.
What element does apple seed contain?
Apples have small, dark seeds that are usually bitter in taste, but people sometimes eat them by accident or don’t bother to spit them out. But do you know that an element called Amygdalin is found inside apple seeds. When this element comes in contact with human digestive enzymes, it starts releasing cyanide.
Let us tell you that there is sugar and cyanide inside the amygdalin and when it enters our body, it turns into hydrogen cyanide. With this cyanide, not only can you get sick but you can also die. Shocking! However, there is no significant risk of accidentally eating apple seeds. Let us know further through this article.

What amount of cyanide can be harmful in apple seeds?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), oral doses of 1-2 mg / kg cyanide can be fatal. The average apple seed contains about 0.49 mg of cyanogenic compounds. Within 1 gram of apple seeds there is 0.06mg to 0.24mg cyanide. Most of an apple has about 5 to 8 seeds. However, the number of seeds per apple varies. Eating about 140 to 200 apple seeds is fatal or fatal.
Keep in mind, if apple seeds are ingested in this way, it is not as deadly but if these seeds are mixed in a soluble substance after being crushed or the powder of the seed is consumed, it will affect the body very quickly and Can be fatal
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ATSDR, states that even small amounts of cyanide may prove dangerous. Cyanide can damage the heart and brain, and in some rare cases, a person can go into a coma and even die. According to ATSDR people should avoid eating apple seeds and some fruits which include: peaches, plums, apricots i.e. apricots and cherries etc. These seeds have a very strong coating on top of which the amygdalin remains closed inside it.
Let us now study how cyanide works?
Cyanide is considered the world’s deadliest poison. It has been used in chemical warfare and mass suicide. Many compounds that contain cyanide are called cyanoglycosides which are often found in fruit seeds and amygdalin is one of them.
The seeds of apple seeds and other fruits have a strong layer on the outer side which is resistant to digestion. But if you chew the seeds, the amygdalin will run into the body and cyanide will be produced. Small amounts can be detoxified by enzymes in the human body. However, large amounts can be dangerous.
Do you know that amygdalin or laetrile was used to treat cancer. But it was banned in the US after reports of cyanide poisoning.
Symptoms of cyanide
- – Shortness of breath.
- – Increased heartbeat and decreased blood pressure.
- – dizziness. Cyanide makes humans weak. Due to this effect, the human brain does not work properly and gets dizzy.
- – Headache, abdominal pain and vomiting.
Is apple seed oil good for health?
Naturally, you will be surprised that the oil, made from apple seeds, is used for many medicinal and cosmetic uses. Let us tell you that it is safe to use because the amount of amygdalin in it is very less.
One study found that apple seed oil is as good as any other edible oil and is a good source of natural antioxidants. Anticancer properties have also been found in it. It can also be used in food industry and pharmacy.
It would not be wrong to say that apple seeds are definitely poisonous, but only when you chew them well and in large numbers. Safely, the apple should be eaten by removing the seeds, because the apple seed contains amygdalin which starts to form cyanide in the body and can prove to be fatal.
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